Saturday, 19 September 2015


I once had a bad tooth. i dont know how it happened, i mean i had chocolates in childhood, but it should have affected all teeth, not just one. anyway, so this tooth has a caries. whenever i had something hot or cold, it would pain as hell, and not only that the gum would at times swell and make life miserable. so much so that there was a point when i was in pain for days. on consulting a doctor, I was advised to get it removed. but when i thought about removing it, the idea caused me more pain than pain from the tooth itself. i couldnt imagine losing a tooth at the age of 17. of course it was a premolar, and gap wouldn't show when i laughed, if I removed it. but it was a part of me. and only a portion of it had gone bad, that was no reason to throw the whole tooth away. i thought about going for filling, but i was told, sooner or later, the filling would come off and i would be back to the pain.
                                    after a lot of thought, i decided to get it removed. the extraction process was one of the most painful incidents of my life. you see, the tooth had three roots, buried deep in my gums, attached firmly. it took the dentist almost half an hour. and at the end of it, i was bleeding and there was swelling. but it got better in a few weeks. now i dont have pain from that tooth.
                             the same goes for love. love hurts. it twists you in ways you never imagined possible. and there comes a point when you feel you are in constant pain. but the thought of living without it hurts as hell. it is so deeply buried in your soul, that it has become a very important part of who you are. but there comes a point when you cant take it anymore. so you take a bold step. its the most painful decision you ever took and you have no idea how will life continue.
                           of course, i miss my tooth, there is still that gap which cant be filled, often i think if i could have done anything to save that tooth.