Saturday, 30 July 2016


let us just be strangers again,
and be like those millions women and men,
who never cross each others paths,
who never share happiness nor wrath,
just a bunch travelling along,
and not the ones we mention in songs.

let us just be two teens,
sporting tee shirts and flared jeans,
who meet at some unknown turn,
in an unknown place, covered in grass and fern,
let us be each others crush for a while,
before life happens, and separates us by miles.

let us just be two someone,
standing in the rain and having fun,
then rushing for a cup of tea under the same shed,
the tea, tastes hot and heaven-made,
where our eyes meet or hands touch briefly,
and wee look at each-other and smile silly.

let us just be two souls,
exploring life without goals,
who meet at a place filled with sunshine,
with roads of joy, trees of hope, a sight so fine,
lets make this place as our square one,
and always remember this is where it all began.

let us just be strangers again,
to give us a second chance before nothing remains,
to laugh, to share, and come up with inside jokes,
being special to one another among common folks,
let us be strangers again,
before it all ends in pain. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wish life gave us second chances to start again... beautifully composed :)
