Monday 25 August 2014


Again on a crossroad, I stand and wail,
Counting with my fingers the times I fail,
Soon the count will be too numerous,
My mind gets restless and my heart furious,
I stand not knowing which way I should take.
They say take a leap of faith,
But never do they mention where to put my faith.
My devil and my angel sit on either side.
I can see the darkness and the light.
I may choose to give up; I may stand and fight,
But as of now I cannot decide.
I need some hope, I need some peace,
Yet I enjoy all the mess.
The hesitation, the anxiety, the tension, the fear,
Afraid of losing all that’s dear,
It only proves that I am human,
With all my imperfection and desire
I can be the wind, I can be the fire.
I cannot be defeated, no! Not just yet,
My devil must surrender; I must see the light,
And with the rising sun, I will take another flight.
Soon I know I will be at another crossroad,
Where another devil awaits,

But he will never have the aura my angel creates.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We all have faced this dilemma in our lives.. Amazingly articulated.. I'm a fan :D :)
